Friday, February 09, 2007

Hilary Duff Appearance on MTV's TRL for With Love premiere

Hilary Duff makes an appearance on MTV's TRL so as to premiere her "With Love" music video for the first time. Her newly acclaimed album Dignity possess this song and has been chosen among the other tracks to promote her album DIGNITY. Here are the screenshots of her appearance on MTV's TRL. The video of this premiere is available at .
I must say she is beautiful ... Lets not say more than that ...

A lot of Thanks to and to all those from where the people got these pictures and also the previous ones I used to get from them

Hilary Duff Fragrance - A Screenshot

Hilary Duff Fragrance, her movie Material Girls and her upcoming album DIGNITY with the most awaited song With Love ... all these coincide at once .. Here is a screenshot of this fragrance ... Looks feminist ... which seems obvious ...

OK! Magazine screenshots for hilary